Thursday, February 2, 2012

Speaking of Love #1: What I Love

It's February now. It has been for two days, I've just been too busy to celebrate its' grandness right away. Yay February! (still waiting on that sarcasm font)

So I decided to change the design of the blog to coincide with the arrival of the month of Love. I guess pink is a pretty accurate color for love, and at least now I can say I'm doing something for Breast Cancer Awareness at the same time.

I'm not a mushy guy. Sure, I enjoy the odd chick flick from time to time, but I'm not one to go overboard on the romantic route on Valentine's Day. Perhaps the main reason for that is simply because I've never had a significant other to shower with romance and sex on V-Day. Not once. Not one year of my life. I've literally avoided so many purchases by skipping this rite of passage. I don't regret it.

Contrary to popular belief, Brian Chambers is perfectly capable of love. I'm not a cold hearted bastard. But, I'm not in love. At least not with anyone I'm comfortable revealing to the one person who may read this blog. So, when you don't love girlfriends, you gotta send that love somewhere else. Here's what I love.

I love Haribo Gummi Bears.
I love Apple Products.
I love music.
I love Converse Sneakers.
I love ice cream.
I love the snow days that usually come in this month.
I love The Office and King of the Hill. Oh, and America's Funniest Videos. Oh,and Conan.
I love Mila Kunis, my hollywood crush.
I love swimming.
I love Salsa, the dance and the snack.
I love Basketball. Go Trojans!
I love performing for an audience, even if it's in a 7-11 parking lot.
I love that February is the shortest month, because no matter how shitty it may be, it'll be over soon.

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